I believe the Bible should be taught in our schools instead of science.

I believe our government should put corporations first and people second.

I believe others should pay taxes but not me.

I believe Jesus believes in 50 round clips and concealed carried.

I believe those who don't think like me should not have a voice in society.

I believe "The majority rules" doesn't apply if I don't agree with the majority.

I believe healthcare should be only for those who can afford it.

I believe if I've got mine, then that's all that matters.

I believe I have the right to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her body.

I believe I have the right to know what goes on in the privacy of your bedroom.

I believe my beliefs should be everyone's beliefs.

I believe in the death penalty but I also believe "Thou shalt not kill".

I believe liberals are evil because they're open minded, educated and know facts.

I believe everything Fox News tells me because I don't believe in facts.

I believe it's ok for our Government to torture prisoners if a republican is President.

I believe it's ok for our Government to spy on it's citizens if a republican is President.

I believe I'm a super patriot even though I never served in the armed forces.

I don't believe in a minimum wage.

I don't believe in work place OSHA safety regulations.

I don't believe in the luxury of clean air or water if it affects corporate profits.

I don't believe in holding corporations accountable for illegal business practices.

I don't believe in compassion, charity, understanding, or a lifestyle other than my own.

I don't believe the Government should help people unless it's me that needs the help.

I don't believe a black man should be in the WHITE House