Grand Old Party Hopefuls

John "Suppress The Vote" Kasich

Scott "The Racketeer" Walker

Rick "The Frothy Mix" Santorum

Mike “The Huckster” Huckabee

Chris "Vengeance Is Mine" Christie

Eduardo "The Covert Cuban" Cruz

Carly "I got my $20 million dollar parachute, how bout you?" Fiorina

Rick "Mugshot" Perry

Rand "Soon To Be Indicted" Paul

Ben "The Bible Has Authority Over The Constitution" Carson

Marco "These Pretzels Are Making Me Thirsty!" Rubio

Donald "The Misogynist" Trump

Lindsey "I Like It Here In The Closet" Graham

Ellis "Can The U.S.A. Survive Another One Of Us?" Bush


That was the sound of Dwight Eisenhower hanging himself after reading the list of 2016 GOP candidates.