George Walker Bush: Worst POTUS Ever? And the rise of Dictatorships in the 21st Century

With the advent of Orange Stalin...

This Is No Longer True:

In this blog,  I have posted pages and pages listing the crimes and buffoonery of George Walker Bush. Even gave Tricky Dick some love. But that is the past and all eyes need to be on the NeoNazis in the White House.

The NeoCons who voted for Dubya are now the NeoNazis.

The NeoCons who allowed George Bush to bog-down the Clinton economic juggernaut are now the NeoNazis.

The NeoCons who looked the other way as his criminal regime took us into two unneeded wars are now the NeoNazis.

The NeoCons that profited politically and financially from Bush regime WAR CRIMES are now the NeoNazis.

The NeoCons who impeached The Big Dog are now the NeoNazis giving Der Führer a mulligan on raw dogging a porn star just four months after his new bride gave birth to his youngest son. 

The NeoCons who accused Barry O of acting like dictator are now the NeoNazis applauding Twitler as he shits all over the Constitution.

I can go on and on and on how NeoCons became NeoNazis you can get some insight by reading: The Disposition Matrix: A Custom Made Koch Party. Well, Not So Fast. and The Slave States of Old are now the Heart and Soul of the modern GOP.

Donald John Trump will end America if he is not jailed with in the next six months. Sure the MSM is focusing on the Russia angle, but no one is talking about how the GOP just gutted the Americans With Disabilities Act. Or how coal mine operators can now poison your water without consequence. 

Nobody is reporting on the fact that Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron is the new Father of Liberty and Democracy. If Macron had lost his election to Marine Le Pen leader of the National Front and admittedly proud fascist and nationalist. It would have been the end of the United Nations as we know it today. It would have been the end of the European Union. It would have been the end of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization. 

Le Pen and Putin's Puppet would have worked together to pull France from all three organizations that have secured freedom and economic equality to not just Europe, but all parts of the planet. 

Look, Poland voted in a Trump type goon and a GOP type conservative party, now they are on the a slippery slope to dictatorship.

Turkey voted in Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his nationalist party, The Justice and Development Party. Then voted to make Erdoğan a defacto dictator.

The Philippines voted in Rodrigo Roa Duterte a mad hatter they all knew was a cold blooded killer. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, like the Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon inhabiting the Oval Office, has taken the Constitution of the Philippines and wiped his ass with it.

The above are just three examples of people around the globe voting in a Madman then watching their Liberties and Democracies slip away. 

What ties all this together? All three won by narrow margins and the "base" of these maniacs live in the sticks e.g. most of that vast sea of red Mango Mussolini loves so much. That Sea of Red is as empty as his moral content.

Twice in my young daughters life time she has seen the loser of the popular vote named President* by the Electoral College. I believe Urban millennials and iGen will put an end to the Electoral College just as soon as they put an end the GOP. After all there are more of us than there are of Bible Thumping Bumpkins who dwell in that sea of red.

*'Nuff Said

If you have a problem with me calling NeoCons and GOPers, NeoNazis. Answer this riddle honestly.

Besides the modern Grand Old Party and Vlad Putin's United Russia Party.

What other party had a platform of Anti Immigration, Anti Woman's Rights, Anti Civil Rights, Anti Disability Rights, Anti LGBT Rights and Xenophobia?

I can almost recall their name. I know they were in Germany in the 1930s and 40s.


What was their name?

I know it rhymed with Stasi.

Maybe a Republican can help me out here. Any takers?

****Update: On February 25, 2018: The Chinese National Peoples Congress proposed removing term limits. This would allow Xi Jinping to remain in power indefinitely.****