The Electoral College Has To Go

A quick look at the results of the last seven US Presidential elections.

1992- Bill Clinton won the popular and electoral vote.

1996- Bill Clinton won the popular and electoral vote.

2000- Al Gore won the popular vote but Dubya wins the election based on the electoral vote.

2004- Dubya wins both the popular and electoral vote.

2008- Barack Obama won the popular and electoral vote.

2012- Barack Obama won the popular and electoral vote.

2016- Cheeto Hitler loses the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 yet wins the election courtesy of the electoral college.

In Summary that would be seven elections and only one mandate from the people for the GOP candidate. But the GOP has won three of the last seven Presidential elections.

USA you are getting screwed. Time to rise-up and take our country back from the Oligarchs who have rigged the system.

Go to: Abolish the Electoral College and sign the petition.

Then again if you like Florida electing our Presidents don't sign it. It is actually possible to win a presidential election with only 22% of the popular vote!